Thursday, February 28, 2013

Special Pizza and a Special Chick Flick

My cute husband is on the elder's quorum activities comity and he planned a pizza, guy movie night for this month's activity. So here I am home alone and craving pizza. So what do I do? Find a way to make it "special" so I can eat it :)

First I would like to give a shout out to this awesome book I discovered! This is where tonight's yummy pizza crust recipe came from. It is called 1000 Gluten Free Recipes, by Carol Fenster.

I found it on Amazon and I about had a heart attack I was so excited! I couldn't wait for it to come in the mail. However, I soon discovered that she uses sorghum in just about all of her recipes and seeing how my pantry is still small, I had to hurry and get online and order some right away. Then after more waiting, it finally arrived.

Ok now back to the pizza. I'll have you know that as I type I am eating this pizza and it is delish! If you don't believe me take a look at my computer keys... getting a little greasy, oops! I am already picking out flaws in my cooking so maybe I can point them out and you can have a little more success in the kitchen. (This cook book uses a blend of sorghum and other flours so I just have some mixed up ready to go.)

1 T active dry yeast
2 1/2 tsp sugar
2/3 C warm milk
2/3 C potato starch
1/2 C Carol's Sorghum Blend (see below)
2 tsp xanthan gum
1 tsp Italian seasoning
1 tsp onion powder
3/4 tsp salt
1 T olive oil
2 tsp cider vinegar
Shortening for greasing pizza pan
White rice flour for dusting

Carol's sorghum blend:
1 1/2 C sorghum flour                 35%
1 1/2 C potato starch/cornstarch    35%
             (I use half and half)
1 C tapioca flour                        30%

Seeing how I am a poor newlywed, I don't have all the fancy things like italian seasoning, onion powder or olive oil. I did have some garlic powder though and I sprinkled a little of that in and it was yummy. For the oil I just used vegetable oil, but I am sure that olive oil would be the better option.

The book suggests that if you eat pizza often, you can make a few crusts and freeze them for later. This recipe will make about a 10-12 inch pizza. 
Place the bottom rack of your oven the lowest it can go, and another one in the middle. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.
In a small bowl dissolve yeast and sugar in warm milk. Set aside for about 5 minutes. In a mixing bowl, whisk together potato starch, sorghum blend, xantham gum. Italian seasoning , onion powder, and salt. Then pour in yeast mixture, oil and vinegar. Mix until combined. Dough will be very soft.
Generously grease a pizza pan with shortening (I used butter, it's what I had in my fridge). Place dough on prepared pan. Sprinkle white rice flour over dough to prevent it from sticking and press the dough until it is 10-12 inches. Make the edges thicker to create a crust. Mmm I'm a crust girl!

Bake the crust 10 minutes on the bottom rack, until it begins to brown on the bottom, then remove it from the oven. 
Now is the fun part. The toppings!

I am sure a "pizza" sauce would make a delicious topping, however, I use Classico... because it was in my fridge :D. But it was actually pretty good

Then for the cheese! Once again, a pizza blend would be fancy! I'll buy that when I'm rich... For now, it's cheddar baby!

I am also a fan of pineapple and look for any excuse to eat it. This was a pretty good one :)
Yes, I would've loved to put some of the green pepper on it that is in my fridge but that would probably be a little unfair to my husband seeing how he bought it so I would make fajitas.

Bake on the middle rack for 15-20 minutes. Remove from the oven and let sit for 5 minutes, then eat up!
Now for my mistakes. I can get really impatient sometimes, especially when I'm hungry, plus I have this fear of burning things (maybe because I do that a lot... *ahem), and I only cooked the pizza for 10 minutes... It was a little doughy. But everyone's oven is different so play with it a little. I think it would also be a lot yummier with the seasonings in it. If you're a plain person, you might just like it without though!

Get creative with your toppings! I hope you enjoy :)

Now I'm going to find a very girly chick flick to watch 

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